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ICCD: International Cultural Cooperated Dinner


Food performance

Markthalle Eisenbahnstrasse, Berlin

It's a live cooking performance during the opening,. The art pieces in the exhibition, are the source of inspiration while we are making our own recipe. The performance continues during the opening, and afterwards the recorded performance is shown on a monitor.

With consents of the artists, we started to study of each art work and found food materials that were suitable for imitating the art work. Each art work was transformed into a food. On the menus, the viewer could see the artists' names, choose and order one of them. While the viewer waiting for the food, they could see all process of cooking through the monitor. The transformed food is offered to visitors.

The performance project ‘ICCD (International Cultural Cooperated Dinner)’ makes mention of  ‘The promotion of artists’ and ‘The consideration of the cooperation’ concerning  to the international art field and the public.

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ICCD: International Cultural Cooperated Dinner


음식 퍼포먼스

Markthalle Eisenbahnstrasse, Berlin

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